About Us
In 1816, the first Methodists in the little town of Colebrook began to preach in homes. People were baptized, classes were organized and lay leaders led little bands of Methodists all around the region. The clergy traveled from town to town bringing worship services periodically. In 1870, the Methodist Church building was built at its present location on Bridge Street. From the very beginning Methodists have always been deeply concerned about social justice, the poor and those in need. The Colebrook Methodists started a Meals on Wheels program with a system of home delivery that continues today. They started a Thrift Shop, to redistribute gently used clothing and local ladies had "sewing bees" to put new clothing on the shelves. A bus was purchased to bring the rural children into Sunday School. Every Thursday at 5:00 pm, the Community Meals program, serves free meals to as many as 80 guests. There are no special qualifications. There's a place for everyone at the table. We continue to strive to be a blessing to our community in Jesus' name.